姓名:张一敏 职称:教授、博导 张一敏,女,教授、工学博士,生物学博士后,博士生导师。国家肉牛牦牛产业技术体系-质量安全与营养品质评价岗位科学家;泰山学者青年专家,山东省优秀青年基金获得者,中国产学研合作创新与促进奖产学研合作创新奖获得者,山东省高等学校优秀青年创新团队--牛肉品质控制创新团队带头人。美国犹他州立大学、澳大利亚初级产业部红肉研究中心访问学者。曾任中国畜产品加工研究会副秘书长、现为青年委员会委员,全国畜牧业标准化技术委员会牛业及奶业标准化工作组委员、全国畜牧屠宰质量标准创新中心委员。 目前主要从事肉品科学领域的教学与科研工作,主持承担与澳大利亚国际合作项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目与青年基金、国家重点研发专项子课题、中国博士后基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省农业良种工程子课题、与企业合作项目等课题;Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety、Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition、Food Hydrocolloids、Meat Science、Food Research International、Food Microbiology等国际食品科学主流期刊发表SCI/EI收录论文110余篇。曾在第69届国际肉类科技大会做大会报告。获得山东省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖1项,出版中英文专著及教材7部,申获专利15件,其中美国专利1项, 主讲的两门课程获批为国家一流课程,主持山东省研究生优质课程、思政示范课程各1项,获得5822yh银河国际教学质量奖一等奖1项,是5822yh银河国际岗位能手标兵。曾指导获得国家级、省级SRT立项,指导获得全国大学生畜产加工创新创业大赛、山东省大学生科技节、泰安市大学生科技创新计划等多项赛事的一二等奖。 主要研究方向: (1)肉类品质控制技术研究与应用 (2)肉类安全控制技术研究与应用 (3)创意性肉类制品开发 代表性科研项目: 1.国家农业农村部,现代农业产业技术体系(肉牛牦牛)岗位科学家专项资助,CARS-37,2022-01至2025-12,主持。 2.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,32272396,以不同pH牛肉为模型研究AMPK/SIRT1信号轴介导的能量代谢对宰后初期牛肉嫩度的影响机制,2023-01至2026-12,主持。 3.山东省优秀青年基金,ZR2022YQ27,生鲜肉品质控制,2023-01至2025-12,主持。 4.国家科技部,国家重点研发专项子课题,2016YFD040150503,熏烧烤肉制品高阻隔包装技术研发,2016-07至2021-06,主持。 5.澳大利亚AMPC,国际合作项目,2016-1059,澳大利亚对外出口冷却牛肉的货架期研究,2016-06至2017-12,主持。 6.国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,31601528,基于线粒体蛋白质组研究不同极限pH值牛肉成熟期间肉色变化机制,2017-01至2019-12,主持。 7.中国国际交流协会,2021年度中国-中东欧国家高校联合教育项目,2021105,2021-11-01至2023-10-31,主持。 8.2023年山东省农业重大技术协同推广计划项目,SDNYXTTG-2023-26,肉牛精准饲喂与产品加工质量控制技术集成与协同推广,2023-04至2024-03,主持。 9.山东省农业良种工程子课题,,2020LZGC014-05,肉牛高效饲喂和肉质提升技术研究,2021-01至2023-12,主持。 10.山东省教育厅,山东省高等学校优秀青年创新团队,2019KJF019,新型超快速冷却技术对牛肉嫩度的影响机制研究,2020-01至2022-12,主持。 11.中国博士后科学基金面上项目,155729,基于糖酵解与肌浆蛋白质组研究不同pHu牛肉颜色差异,2016-06至2018-05,主持。 12.山东省自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,ZR2015CQ013,基于肌红蛋白氧化还原过程及糖酵解进程差异蛋白质组分析研究DFD牛肉颜色形成的机制,2015-07至2017-06,主持。 代表性科研论文: 1.Chen X. Mao Y., Liang R., Zhu L., Yang X., Hopkins D., Zhang Y.*(2024). LC-MS-based metabolomics reveals metabolite dynamic changes of beef after superchilling early post-mortem. Food Research International, 183, 114208.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 2.Sun G., Yang J., Holman B., Tassou C., Papadopoulou O., Luo X., Zhu L., Mao Y.*, Zhang Y.*(2024). Exploration of the shelf-life difference between chilled beef and pork with similar initial levels of bacterial contamination. Meat Science, 109480.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 3.Zhou G., Liu Y., Dong P., Mao Y., Zhu L., Luo X., Zhang Y.*(2024). Airborne signals of Pseudomonas fluorescens modulate swimming motility and biofilm formation of Listeria monocytogenes in a contactless coculture system. Food Microbiology, 120, 104494.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 4.Sun H., Zhang Y.*, Sun J. (2024). Dietary inulin supplementation improves the physicochemical and gel properties of duck myofibrillar protein: Insights into the effect of muscle fiber types. Food Hydrocolloids, 150, 109722.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 5.Zhou G., Dong P., Luo X., Zhu L., Mao Y., Liu Y.*, Zhang Y.*(2024). Combined effects of cold and acid on dual-species biofilms of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Listeria monocytogenes under simulated chilled beef processing conditions. Food Microbiology, 117, 104394.(SCI,一区,top期刊)2023.10 6.Li J., Zhao Y., Liang R., Mao Y., Zuo H., Hopkins D., Yang X., Luo X., Zhu L., Zhang Y.* (2023). Effects of different protein phosphorylation levels on the tenderness of different ultimate pH beef. Food Research International, 174,113512.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 7.Feng Y., Liang X., Zhang J., Kong B., Shi P., Cao C., Zhang H., Liu Q.*, Zhang Y.*(2024). Effects of transglutaminase coupled with κ-carrageenan on the rheological behaviours, gel properties and microstructures of meat batters. Food Hydrocolloids, 146, 109265.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 8.Yang J., Liang R., Mao Y., Dong P., Zhu L., Luo X., Zhang Y.*, Yang X.* (2023). Potential inhibitory effect of carbon dioxide on the spoilage behaviors of Pseudomonas fragi in high-oxygen packaged beef during refrigerated storage. Food Microbiology, 112.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 9.Liu Q., Dong P., Fengou L-C, Nychas G-J, Fowler S., Mao Y., Luo X.*, Zhang Y.* (2023). Preliminary investigation into the prediction of indicators of beef spoilage using Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Meat Science, 200.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 10.Jiang X., Zhang Y.*, Nychas G-JE, Zhu L., Mao Y., Li K., Yang X., Luo X., Dong P.*(2024). Study of the transfer of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli during the slaughter of cattle using molecular typing combined with epidemiologic data. Meat Science, 208.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 11.Wang K., Zhang Y.*, Sun J.* (2023). Synergistic effect of high-intensity ultrasound and pH-shifting on the functionalities of chicken wooden breast myofibrillar protein: Reveal the mechanism of protein structure change. LWT, 181. 12.Wang K., Li Y., Sun J.*, Zhang Y.* (2023). The physicochemical properties and stability of myofibrillar protein oil-in-water emulsions as affected by the structure of sugar. Food Chemistry: X 18. (SCI, 一区) 13.Zhang, H., Luo, X., Aspridou, Z., Misiou, O., Dong, P., & Zhang, Y.* (2023). The Prevalence and Antibiotic-Resistant of Listeria monocytogenes in Livestock and Poultry Meat in China and the EU from 2001 to 2022: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Foods, 12(4), 769. (SCI, 二区) 14.Han J., Gao X., Luo X., Zhu L., Zhang Y.**, Dong P. * (2023). The role of PhoP/PhoQ system in regulating stress adaptation response in Escherichia coli O157:H7. Food Microbiology 112.(SCI,一区,top期刊) 15.Zhang, S., Chen, X., Duan, X. Chen, X,Holman, B.W.B.,Zhu, L.; Yang, X., Hopkins, L.D.,Luo, X., Sun, B.*, Zhang, Y.*(2022). The retail color characteristics of vacuum-packaged beef m. longissimus lumborum following long-term superchilled storage. Meat Science, 196, 109050. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 16.Han, J., Dong, P., Holman, B. W. B., Yang, H., Chen, X., Zhu, L., Mao, Y.*, & Zhang, Y.* (2022). Processing interventions for enhanced microbiological safety of beef carcasses and beef products: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-25. doi:10.1080/10408398.2022.2121258. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 17.Chen, X., Luo, X., Zhu, L., Liang, R., Dong, P., Yang, X., Niu, L., Hopkins, L.D., Gao, S., Mao, Y.*, & Zhang, Y.* (2022). The underlying mechanisms of the effect of superchilling on the tenderness of beef Longissimus lumborum. Meat Science, 194, 108976. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 18.Chen, X., Dong, P., Li, K., Zhu, L., Yang, X., Mao, Y., Niu, L., Hopkins, L.D., Luo, X., Liang, R.,* & Zhang, Y.* (2022). Effect of the combination of superchilling and super-chilled storage on shelf-life and bacterial community dynamics of beef during long-term storage. Meat Science, 192, 108910. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 19.Yang, J., Yang, X. Y.*, Lin, H., Liang, R. R., Niu, L. B., Zhu, L. X., . . . Zhang, Y.* M. (2022). Investigation of the relationship between microbiota dynamics and volatile changes in chilled beef steaks held under high-oxygen packaging enriched in carbon dioxide. Meat Science, 191.108861. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 20.Li, J., Liang, R., Mao, Y., Yang, X., Luo, X., Qian, Z., . . . Zhang, Y*, Zhu, L.* (2022). Effect of dietary resveratrol supplementation on muscle fiber types and meat quality in beef cattle. Meat Science, 194, 108986. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 21.Yang, J., Wei, W., Holman, B. W. B., Shi, H., Zhang, X., Dong, P., Luo, X., Qing, H., Mao, Y.*, & Zhang, Y*. (2022). Effects of low-energy electron beam irradiation on the shelf-life and quality of vacuum-packaged beef steaks during chilled storage. Meat Science, 193, 108932. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 22.Zhao, Y., Kong, X., Yang, X., Zhu, L., Liang, R., Luo, X., Zhang, L., Hopkins, D., Mao, Y.*, & Zhang, Y.* (2022). Effect of energy metabolism and proteolysis on the toughness of intermediate ultimate pH beef. Meat Science, 188, 108798. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 23.Yang, J., Yang, X.*, Liang, R., Zhu, L., Mao, Y., Dong, P., Hopkins, D. L., Luo, X., & Zhang, Y.* (2022). The response of bacterial communities to carbon dioxide in high-oxygen modified atmosphere packaged beef steaks during chilled storage. Food Research International, 151, 110872. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 24.Zhang, Y., Holman, B. W. B., Mao, Y., Chen, X., Luo, X., Hopkins, D. L., & Zhang, Y.* (2021). Determination of a pH threshold for dark cutting beef based on visual evaluation by Asian consumers. Meat Science, 172, 108347. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 25.Ji, X., Luo, X., Zhu, L., Mao, Y., Lu, X., Chen, X., & Zhang, Y.* (2021). Effect of medium voltage electrical stimulation and prior ageing on beef shear force during superchilled storage. Meat Science, 172, 108320. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 26.Han, J., Liu, Y., Zhu, L., Liang, R., Dong, P., Niu, L. Hopkins, D. L., Luo, X.* & Zhang, Y.* (2021). Effects of spraying lactic acid and peroxyacetic acid on the quality and microbial community dynamics of vacuum skin-packaged chilled beef during storage. Food Research International, 6, 110205. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 27.Chen, X., Chen, W., Lu, X., Mao, Y., Luo, X., Liu, G., Zhu, L.*, & Zhang, Y.* (2021). Effect of chitosan coating incorporated with oregano or cinnamon essential oil on the bacterial diversity and shelf life of roast duck in modified atmosphere packaging. Food Research International, 147, 110491. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 28.Yang, X., Wang, J., Holman, B.W.B., Liang, R., Chen, X., Luo, X., Zhu, L., Hopkins, D. L., & Zhang, Y.* (2021). Investigation of the physicochemical, bacteriological, and sensory quality of beef steaks held under modified atmosphere packaging and representative of different ultimate pH values. Meat Science, 174, 108416. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 29.Liu, Y., Wu, L., Han, J., Dong, P., Luo, X., Zhang, Y.*, & Zhu, L.* (2021). Inhibition of biofilm formation and related gene expression of Listeria monocytogenes in response to four natural antimicrobial compounds and sodium hypochlorite. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 617473. (SCI, 二区) 30.Han, J., Luo, X., Zhang, Y., Zhu, L., Mao, Y., Dong, P., & Zhang, Y.* (2020). Effects of spraying lactic acid and peroxyacetic acid on the bacterial decontamination and bacterial composition of beef carcasses. Meat Science, 164, 108104. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 31.Chen, X., Zhao, J., Zhu, L., Luo, X., Mao, Y., Hopkins, D. L., Zhang, Y.*, & Dong, P.* (2020). Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on shelf life and bacterial community of roast duck meat. Food Research International, 137, 109645. (SCI,一区,top期刊) 32.Liu, Y., Dong, P., Zhu, L., Zhang, Y.*, & Luo, X*. (2020). Effect of four kinds of natural antimicrobial compounds on the biofilm formation ability of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from beef processing plants in China. LWT-Food Science and Technology. 133, 110020. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 33.Wu, S., Luo, X., Yang, X., Hopkins, D. L., Mao, Y., & Zhang, Y.* (2020). Understanding the development of color and color stability of dark cutting beef based on mitochondrial proteomics. Meat Science, 163, 108046. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 34.Chen, X., Zhu, L., Liang, R., Mao, Y., Hopkins, D. L., Li, K., Zhang, Y.* & Luo, X.* (2020). Shelf-life and bacterial community dynamics of vacuum packaged beef during long-term super-chilled storage sourced from two Chinese abattoirs. Food Research International, 130, 108937. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 35.Liu, Y., Zhu, L., Dong, P., Liang, R., Mao, Y., Yang, X., Zhang, Y.* & Luo, X. * (2020). Acid tolerance response of Listeria monocytogenes in various external pHs with different concentrations of lactic acid. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 17(4), 253-261. (SCI, 二区) 36.Wu, S., Han, J., Liang, R., Dong, P., Zhu, L., Hopkins, D. L., Zhang, Y.* & Luo, X*. (2020). Investigation of muscle-specific beef color stability at different ultimate pHs. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 33(2), 1999-2007. 37.Chen, X., Zhang, Y.*, Yang, X., Hopkins, D. L., Zhu, L. X., Dong, P. C., Liang, R. & Luo, X. (2019). Shelf-life and microbial community dynamics of super-chilled beef imported from Australia to China. Food Research International, 120, 784-792. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 38.Yang, X., Wu, S., Hopkins, D. L., Liang, R., Zhu, L., Zhang, Y.*, & Luo, X.* (2018). Proteomic analysis to investigate color changes of chilled beef longissimus steaks held under carbon monoxide and high oxygen packaging. Meat Science, 142, 23-31. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 39.Yang, X., Zhu, L., Zhang, Y.*, Liang, R., & Luo, X.* (2018). Microbial community dynamics analysis by high-throughput sequencing in chilled beef longissimus steaks packaged under modified atmospheres. Meat Science, 141, 94-102. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 40.Zhang, Y., Mao, Y., Li, K., Luo, X., & Hopkins, D. L. (2019). Effect of carcass chilling on the palatability traits and safety of fresh red meat. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 18(6), 1676-1704. (SCI, 一区,top期刊,IF5=18.6) 41.Zhang, Y., Ji, X., Mao, Y., Luo, X., Zhu, L., & Hopkins, D. L. (2019). Effect of new generation medium voltage electrical stimulation on the meat quality of beef slaughtered in a Chinese abattoir. Meat Science, 149, 47-54. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 42.Zhang, Y., Holman, B. W. B.*, Ponnampalam, E. N., Kerr, M. G., Bailes, K. L., Kilgannon, A. K., & Hopkins, D. L. (2019). Understanding beef flavour and overall liking traits using two different methods for determination of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS). Meat Science, 149, 114-119. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 43.Zhang, Y., Hopkins, D. L., Zhao, X., van de Ven, R., Mao, Y, Zhu, L., & Luo, X.* (2018). Characterisation of pH decline and meat color development of beef carcasses during the early postmortem period in a Chinese beef cattle abattoir. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17(7), 1691-1695. (SCI, 一区) 44.Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, T., Hopkins, D. L., Mao, Y., Liang, R., Luo, X.* & Zhu, L.*(2018). Implications of step-chilling on meat color investigated using proteome analysis of the sarcoplasmic protein fraction of beef longissimus lumborum muscle. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17(9), 2118-2125. (SCI, 一区) 45.Zhang, Y., Zhu, L., Dong, P., Liang, R., Mao, Y., Qiu, S., & Luo, X.* (2018). Bio-protective potential of lactic acid bacteria: Effect of Lactobacillus sakei and Lactobacillus curvatus on changes of the microbial community in vacuum-packaged chilled beef. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 31(4), 585-594. 46.Zhang, Y., Qin, L., Mao, Y., Hopkins, D. L., Han, G., Zhu, L.*, & Luo, X*. (2018). Carbon monoxide packaging shows the same color improvement for dark cutting beef as high oxygen packaging. Meat Science, 137(Supplement C), 153-159. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 47.Zhang, Y.*, Carpenter, C. E., Broadbent, J. R., & Luo, X. (2015). Influence of habituation to inorganic and organic acid conditions on the cytoplasmic membrane composition of Listeria monocytogenes. Food Control, 55, 49-53. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 48.Zhang, Y.*, Carpenter, C. E., Broadbent, J. R., & Luo, X. (2014). Habituation to organic acid anions induces resistance to acid and bile in Listeria monocytogenes. Meat Science, 96(3), 1152-1157. (SCI, 一区,top期刊) 联系方式:E-mail: ymzhang@sdau.edu.cn Tel:0538-8248255 |